
Just another Midwest girl who moved away to the mountains to find herself then discovered a whole lot more…

But, really, I’m a social worker in progress, and I write blog posts late at night, when I should be studying, sleeping, or bicep-curling.  I avoid using blue pens, because it makes me nervous.  For years I tried to move abroad, taking on a nomadic adventure, but it didn’t work out, so here I am, trying to figure out what to do with my feisty, pumping, slightly-idealistic heart.  Many nights, after I finish my bouts of complaining and worrying, I go to sleep in awe of how rich my life is, and I can barely hold it in.  A lot of my blogs come out of those moments, or the ones where my mind wanders down romanticized paths, because I am that sort of person.  Mostly, I’m trying to be live in Kairos, which is a greek word for “moment,” the ones where we slow down, take it in, process, reflect, and move into balanced action.  Ah, that’s a beautiful circle right there.

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